Fantastic Familiars Vol.1 is an incredibly special project for me and also for many of my fans and colorists. It has been a very personal and emotion journey creating this book, since all of the characters in it are based on real life pets from all over the globe. To put this project together I interviewed all of the participants and get to know their furry, scaly and feathery friends to then turn their major characteristics into magical attributes. Over 30 highly detailed fantastic creatures await your colors in this fantasy volume. To bring you this astonishing cover art I run a cover contest in my Facebook art group, TALM – The Art of Lisa Mitrokhin. The winner, Katherine Dattilo, did a truly splendid job bringing my vision to life with her colors. However, there were other finalists whose colorings were extraordinary. To honor them and their work, 7 finalists’ submissions are featured on the back cover, and the very last page in the book extends special thanks to each of them by name.
The following is a complete, page by page, flip-through of my third published book Fantastic Familiars Vol.1.
This book is available in print on Amazon and as a PDF download on ETSY.

Colored by Gillian Burford

Colored by Anna Rimskaja

Colored by Sam Twigger

Colored by Keith Spurlin

Colored by Katherine Dattilo

Colored by Lisa Marie Porter

Colored by Sam Twigger

Colored by Pat Armstrong

Colored by Nikki Fran Jenkin

Colored by Troy Elliot

Colored by Amy Jalbert

Colors by Sam Twigger

Colored by Toos Jongeling

Colored by Sam Twigger

Colored by Kat Dattilo

Colored by Kat Dattilo

Colored by Natascha Mosthaf

Colored by Keith Spurlin

Colored by Sam Twigger
(Colors by Laurie Gregory)