Setting my very personal and vulnerable art, Inkandescence, into the world as an interactive art book was, to say the least, terrifying.
“Lisa, this could be your best book yet. I think it’s genius!” – Dee Myles (fan and artist)
I was fully prepared for trolls, haters, and critics, but am pleasantly surprised by the warm reception.

“I’ve watched you bloom from your very first book all the way through to now. It has been a privilege and a trip to watch and to take part in it. I always knew you were a great artist, but you only grow better! Exquisite art! Bravo Lisa! Bravo!” – Madame Laurie (fan, colorist, art student)
I was also pleasantly surprised by this amazing write-up on my book by Colouring Heaven Magazine. Read article here.

The people who are already coloring the pages, have much praise as well. I found that many colorists enjoy working with colored pencils directly on top of the dark photographs that are featured in the book, while others prefer the grey-scale line art versions of the pages. Likewise, my digital colorists are having a blast.
Inkandescence is available in print as well as a PDF download.

I’m a realist though. I fully understand that this book is not for everyone. For some it’s too racy. For some it’s too dark. For some it’s just too detailed. I’ve learned a long time ago that if you try to please everyone, you will please no one.
My aim with Inkandescence wasn’t to release a popular and “safe” book. There’re plenty of those out on the market already. My book is for those who are like me: artistic, daring, different, somewhat on the dark side but not stereotypically gothic, and ultimately positive and energetic.
I’m thrilled that those who don’t fancy this work, just walk on by without leaving hurtful comments, while whose who appreciate the work take the time to let me know.
Granted, it’s only been a week since the book’s release.
I’m thrilled to see how new audiences react in a few weeks when Inkandescence will be reviewed by multiple YouTubers. Stay tuned for those updates and announcements.

Most of all, I enjoy seeing the colorings and reading about your interpretations of my drawings.
I hope to hear from YOU.
Join my free private community TALM, and share your art and thoughts with the rest of us.

Stay dark. Stay humorous. Stay positive. These attributes don’t have to be mutually exclusive.